Nichole Reynolds
Dean of Undergraduate Admissions

U.S. States & Territories:
California (Northern),
My favorite spot on campus. There are so many vistas and nooks that inspire awe on this campus—and I've yet to explore them all—but the Cloisters is an early front runner.
What am I reading? I always have more than one book going at a time, and my mood dictates which one I pick up. Right now, a biography about David Bowie, George Saunders' Lincoln in the Bardo, Samantha Greene's The Lobotomist's Wife, and Javier Zamora's Solito: A Memoir are all competing for my attention.
Bryn Mawr class I'd like to take. A Sociological Journey to Immigrant Communities in Philly
Fun fact! I'm a former, nationally competitive gymnast. At last check, I could still do a side aerial!