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Why I Give: Trisha Hall '98 - Being an Unapologetic Woman

June 8, 2017
Trisha Hall '98
Trisha Hall '98

I learned many things while at Bryn Mawr, but one that has had a profound impact on my life, that I haven't always appreciated the way I do now, is how to be unapologetic about being a woman, about being smart, and about being intellectually curious. 

Aside from my mom, I did not have many examples of these qualities around me before Bryn Mawr; but at Bryn Mawr I had them in spades. As I drove to campus this year for reunion activities, it struck me that part of what I would be celebrating would be a reimmersion into this world. While I now have around me more examples of women being unapologetic about who they are and who they want to be, it still takes being at Bryn Mawr or being with a group of Bryn Mawr graduates to feel it universally - as the rule rather than an exception. 

I give to Bryn Mawr because of this gift Bryn Mawr gave to me, and continues to give to me. I give to Bryn Mawr because others should be so lucky.

Trisha W. Hall '98 is a partner at Connolly Gallagher LLP in Wilmington, Delaware where she practices in the areas of estate and trust planning and administration. She has served as Bryn Mawr Fund Class Chair since 2009 and just completed a three-year term as the Chair of the Bryn Mawr Fund for the Alumnae Association Executive Board.