Gap Year Programs
Gain professional experience, build skills and explore your interests for one to two years after graduation.
These programs emphasize exposure to meaningful and different types of work before pursuing career-related employment or graduate school. They can range from U.S. to international experiences and tend to include a training period before the program.
Below is a listing of Gap Year Programs and Post-Graduate Fellowships. Visit the website for current information. Additional post-graduate programs with upcoming deadlines are also available in Handshake.
Explore Gap Year Programs and Locations
- Arden Theatre Professional Apprentice Philadelphia, PA
- Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Congressional Fellowship Washington, D.C.
- Autry Fellowship Durham, NC
- AVODAH, The Jewish Service Corps Multiple US Locations
- Berkeley Repertory Next Generation Fellowship Program Berkeley, CA
- Capital Fellows Programs Sacramento, CA
- Catholic Volunteers Network Multiple US Locations
- Challenge Detroit Fellowship Detroit, MI
- Children's Corps Multiple US Locations
- Citizen Schools Multiple US Locations
- City Year Multiple US Locations
- Commonwealth Corps Massachusetts
- Congressional Hunger Center, Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship Washington, DC
- Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs Multiple US Locations
- El Pomar Fellowship Colorado
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Science and Technology and Policy Program Washington, DC
- Food Corps Multiple US Locations
- Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) - Program Assistant Fellowship Washington, DC
- Global Health Corps Multiple US Locations
- Green Corps Multiple US Locations
- HealthCorps Multiple US Locations
- Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship Washington, DC
- Institute for Defense Analyses Science Policy Fellowship Alexandria, VA
- Jewish Organizing Fellowship Multiple US Locations
- Lutheran Volunteer Corps Multiple US Locations
- Massachusetts Promise Fellowship Multiple US Locations
- AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Program, Multiple US Locations
- National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Program Multiple US Locations
- National Health Corps Multiple US Locations
- NIH Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Awards (Postbac IRTA/CRTA) Multiple US Locations
- NYC Urban Fellows Program New York, NY
- Partnership for Public Service, Partnership Internship Program Washington, DC
- Pittsburgh PULSE: Pittsburgh Urban Leadership Service Experience Pittsburgh, PA
- Project Horseshoe Farm, Community Health Fellowship Greensboro, NC
- Quaker Experiential Service and Training (QuEST) Seattle, WA
- Quaker United Nations Office New York, NY
- Quaker Voluntary Service Multiple US Locations
- SAGA Education New York, NY and Chicago
- Samuel Huntington Public Service Award Multiple US and Abroad Locations
- Venture for America Multiple US Locations
- World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms Multiple US and Abroad Locations
- Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship Pennsylvania
- American University in Cairo, Presidential Associates Program, Cairo, Egypt
- InterExchange Foundation, Christianson Fellowship Multiple Abroad Locations
- Language Corps Multiple Abroad Locations
- Peace Corps Multiple Abroad Locations
- Princeton in Africa Africa (multiple locations)
- Princeton in Asia Asia (multiple locations)
- Princeton in Latin America Latin America (multiple locations)
- Teach for China China
- World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms Multiple US and Abroad Locations
- Yale-NUS College Singapore
Information in these external links come from a variety of sources. Career Engagement provides these links as a convenience. It is the responsibility of each individual to research the integrity of the organizations to which one is applying. The individual is advised to use caution and common sense when applying for any position through the Internet. We do not author, edit, or monitor these outside pages and therefore cannot assume responsibility for their content.
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