Name: Rem Aitbouchireb
Class Year: 2021
Major: English
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Internship Organization: Advocacy Forum
Job Title: Legal Researcher
Endowed Internship Funding Award: Goldberg Internship Fund
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
I learned about Advocacy Forum-Nepal while looking for legal research opportunities online and conducted Skype interviews. This organization stood out to me because of its mission to combat impunity and injustice. Their work centers around providing legal advice, representing clients in the court, and doing legal research to ensure that the government of Nepal is following the necessary protocol. I applied for this internship because I am interested in pursuing a legal/education career internationally in the future. This opportunity would help me learn about the culture and community of Nepal while also engaging in legal research/representation of clients who have been impacted by human rights injustices in Nepal.
My tasks this summer have included reviewing the reports and publications of Advocacy Forum, reviewing the human rights reports of Nepal published by national and international human rights organizations including U.N. reports; interviewing beneficiaries, stakeholders of the criminal justice system, partner organizations, and prominent human rights defenders; reviewing related national and international laws needed for the report; interviewing donor agencies that supported and are supporting Advocacy Forum Nepal to their views on Advocacy Forum’s work; and partaking in other necessary research and interviews to prepare an annual report and a report on “Advocacy Forum’s Twenty Years Defending Human Rights in Nepal,” since its establishment in 2001.
Honestly, this experience was nowhere near what I expected. I remember looking up flights, planning out outfits I would take with me to Nepal, reaching out to various host families, contacting previous interns, and looking up language courses in Nepalese. When COVID-19 became a thing, I had to forget about the possibility of traveling to Nepal for the internship and start thinking about ways to adjust to a remote option. I was fortunate enough that the organization was still willing to provide work for me given all of the obstacles. Fear of the spread of COVID-19 continued to rise and Nepal was forced to issue a lockdown. Given the lockdown and limited access to the internet and resources, communicating with the board members became difficult. As I watched cases spike in my families’ native country, Morocco, and the ongoing conflict in Nepal worsen, I often felt helpless behind the screen. While I was unable to provide the same support for clients in person, I had to envision and recreate new ways to provide assistance. This meant that a lot of my tasks shifted to reflect the ongoing situation and that I got to engage with numerous unprecedented conflicts.
Being able to be a part of a bigger cause this summer was the most rewarding experience. I am beyond grateful to have still been able to intern with an international organization given the overwhelming nature of this year. I have learned so much about the culture, community, and history of Nepal. Conducting legal research has allowed me the opportunity to interact with numerous colleagues, engage with historical texts, and learn about the work of Advocacy Forum. This summer, I got the chance to develop my own research skills, gain insight into the conflict of Nepal, and advocate for change. I am incredibly thankful for all that I learned, the flexibility, and all of the assistance that Advocacy Forum provided me within the midst of an ongoing pandemic.
Visit the Summer 2020 Internships page to read more student stories.