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New Sexual and Domestic Violence Resources for the Campus Community

posted June 30, 2023

Last September, Governor Wolf signed PA Act 55 into law, in order to provide resources to employees and students of institutions of higher education regarding sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. In compliance with that legislation, the College has entered into agreements with two local organizations (Victims Services Center of Montgomery County and Laurel House Domestic Violence Center), which will provide education, training, and support to our campus community, free of charge, to any faculty or staff member (or student) who accesses their services. The links to their websites are on the Human Resources site, as well as brochures from Victim Services Center of Montgomery County, which summarize the services that they provide. 

In the fall, the College will have a variety of opportunities, both in-person and online, to share more information about these organizations and the services they provide.