Title IX Interim Coordinator campus visit Wednesday, November 13
Interested in learning more about Title IX and the College’s Sexual Misconduct policy? Become SMART! Join us for an introductory training session with Interim Title IX Coordinator Kim Pacelli.
See below for sign-up details and times for drop-in office hours.
November 13
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – SMART Training, Session #1, Guild Hall Room 203
2 to 3:30 p.m. – SMART Training, Session #2, Guild Hall Room 203
9 to 10 a.m. – Drop-in Office Hour Visit, Guild Hall Room 102
Sign-up HERE for SMART Training Sessions
This introductory session will cover topics including the College’s policy and procedures for addressing sexual misconduct under the new Title IX regulations. Who is required to report, and how do you do it? What happens once the process begins? How can you help someone going through the process? Get answers to these questions and more. We will also discuss "rape culture" and explore small actions each of us can take to help combat this pervasive issue.