All Events

24-Hour Theater

Mar 22 - 23
7:00pm -
On Campus Event - Goodhart Hall, McPherson Auditorium

Join us to write, direct, and perform an original musical (with parody songs) in just 24 hours! There are many ways to get involved, from writing to playing music, or just coming to see the show!

We need writers, actors, musicians, and directors. No one will be there for the full 24 hours.

  • Actors and Musicians: 7-8 p.m. 3/22, 7 a.m.-10 p.m. 3/23
  • Writers: 7 p.m.-3 a.m 3/22-3/23
  • Directors: 7-10 p.m. 3/22, 7 a.m.-10 p.m. 3/23
  • Music Director: 1:30-7 p.m. 3/23

Sign Up

Follow us on Instagram and TikTok @eleventhhourtheater

Audience: Public
Type(s): Performance
Madeline Nobert

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