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Bi-Co Math Colloquium with Dr. Rebecca R.G. (BMC AB/MA 2011)

Sep 18
4:30pm - 6:00pm
On Campus Event - Park Science, Room 338

Dr. Rebecca R.G. (BMC AB/MA 2011) from George Mason University will give a talk titled, "Canonical Forms of Neural Ideals."

Abstract: The neural ideal was introduced by Curto, Itskov, et al in 2013 to study the firing patterns of a set of neurons (called a neural code), turning problems in neuroscience and coding theory into algebraic questions. They also introduced the canonical form of a neural ideal, a set of generators uniquely tied to the original neural code. In this talk I will give an overview of neural ideals, describe a simple criterion for determining whether a neural ideal is in canonical form, and give an improved algorithm for computing the canonical form of a neural ideal. This work is joint with Hugh Geller.


Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Seminar/Colloquium
Tina Fasbinder

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