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Bi-Co Math Colloquium with Ipsita Datta

Feb 27
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Off Campus Event, Haverford College, Hilles 109

Ipsita Datta from the Institute for Advanced Study will give a talk titled, "What is Symplectic Geometry?"

Abstract: We will introduce symplectic vector spaces and symplectic manifolds and discuss examples. Symplectic manifolds are even dimensional manifolds with a symplectic form, which is a nice generalization of an area form. We will then look at my favourite type of submanifold - Lagrangian submanifolds. Then we will try to understand why symplectic geometry is interesting by discussing some history and some statements of famous theorems and conjectures like Gromov Non-squeezing.


Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Seminar/Colloquium
Tina Fasbinder

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