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Bryn Mawr Renaissance Choir Spring Concert

Apr 16
5:00pm - 6:00pm
On Campus Event - Goodhart Hall, Music Room

Come hear our Spring Concert! We will welcome in spring with a cappella choral works by renowned Renaissance composers Byrd, Gibbons, Josquin, Lassus, Monteverdi, and Schütz. 

Come hear our final concert under the direction of Dr. Ted Latham, who has been with us since 2018. Our program will feature music by some of history's most famous composers, including Byrd's Ne irascaris Domine and Wounded I am, Gibbons's What Is Our Life, Josquin's Ave Maria and El Grillo, Lassus's Eripe me and La nuict froide, Monteverdi's Ecco mormorar l'onde, and Schütz's Die mit Tränen säen and So fahr ich hin.

Audience: Public
Type(s): Performance

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