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Carceral States AALAC Workshop (Day 2)

May 17
9:30am - 5:00pm
On Campus Event - Wyndham, Ely Room

Carceral States: Prison Writing & Liberal Arts Education

The powerful legacy of carceral regimes around the world, whether in democratic nations or authoritarian states, and their historical legacies of unjust detention, imprisonment, and exile offer an opportunity to consider complicity and resistance under carceral logic, the ethics of teaching these subjects in and outside of prisons, and the role of the arts in society. Join us for a two-day workshop on the role of prisons in the liberal arts curriculum, carceral studies research, and projects that blur the lines between academia and activism.

Sponsored by The Alliance to Advance Liberal Arts Colleges, the Russian Department, and the Provost’s Office

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Keynote Talk 

Caits Meissner, director of Prison and Justice Writing at PEN America, will deliver a keynote presentation titled "Instructional, Aspirational, Inspirational, Historical: Making A Writer’s Life in Prison," on Tuesday, May 16.

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Provost Office

Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Workshop
José Vergara

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