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Concert Artist Series: The Orlando Consort at Haverford College

Feb 5
3:00pm - 4:45pm
Off Campus Event, Haverford College, Michael Jaharis Recital Hall

On Sunday, Feb. 5 at 3 p.m., the Concert Artists Series at Haverford College presents The Orlando Consort and their final program “Listening to Pictures: Art and Music in the Early Renaissance.” Illustrated with stunning projected images interacting with exquisite music, this program offers a fascinating representation of the synergy that lies at the heart of Renaissance culture.

The concert reveals through the works of artists such as Fra Angelico, Lucca della Robbia and Carlo Crivelli and composers including Guillaume Dufay, Loyset Compère and Josquin Desprez how ethereal visions of earthly and heavenly delights were moulded and formed to reflect on and guide the lives of those fortunate audiences who first witnessed them.

The concert will be held in the Michael Jaharis Recital Hall. Ticket prices are: $20/adults; $15/seniors; $10/students; $5/ children age 7-17, and free to the Tri-College community with ID.

For more information:

Audience: Public
Type(s): Performance

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