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DMC with Chloe Shupe

Oct 19
7:00pm - 8:00pm
On Campus Event - Park Science, Room 245 and via Zoom

Distressing Math Collective (DMC) is an informal fun math talk! Join the DMC for a presentation by Chloe Shupe to learn about Homotopical Models for Metric Spaces and Completeness.

A Lawvere metric space is a set equipped with a notion of distance with relaxed conditions on the distance function. We will introduce the basics of category theory, Lawvere metric spaces, and completeness to discuss how homotopy theory can be applied to categories of Lawvere metric spaces. To accomplish this, we will construct model structures on the categories of Lawvere metric spaces and of symmetric Lawvere metric spaces, with a focus on defining homotopy equivalences in extended, Cauchy complete Lawvere, and Cauchy complete extended metric spaces. In particular, two of these model structures are suitably unique while the third bears striking resemblance to an existing model structure on the category of small categories.

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Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Informal Get-Together, Informational Event/Presentation

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