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DMC with Ziva Myer: An Introduction to the Braid Group

Nov 9
7:00pm - 8:00pm
On Campus Event - Park Science, Room 245

During this DMC talk, visiting Assistant Professor Ziva Myer, will introduce braids as mathematical objects and its relations to knot theory, a popular research area in topology. 

Braids are mathematical objects that have relations to knot theory, a popular research area in topology. Roughly, braids are sets of intertwined strings satisfying some conditions and are studied up to certain deformations. This can sometimes make it hard to tell when two braids are the same or different. Introducing the algebraic notation of braid words helps us understand these topological objects better. In fact, under an operation of braid composition, the set of n-stranded braids form a group (a common algebraic structure). In this talk, Professor Myer will introduce these notations that connect two different areas of mathematics. No prior knowledge of topology or abstract algebra needed just vibes.

Please contact for any comment, questions, or concerns.


Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Informal Get-Together, Informational Event/Presentation
Alishia Nation

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