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Info Session: Comparative Literature
4:00pm - 5:00pm
On Campus Event - Old Library, London Room

Love to read? Seeking just the right word? Comparative Literature is here to help. Meet comparative literature seniors and ask them about why they chose this major.
Refreshments will be served!
Some Useful New Words for Readers
- Buchendschmerz: encroaching melancholy as you approach the end of a book.
- Leichtlesbucheifersucht: envying someone enjoying a light, fun book while you struggle through a long, worthy one.
- StapelschuldgefĂĽhl: guilt felt upon buying new books when you have a pile of unread ones at home.
- Buchverlusterleichterung: relief upon finding that you have lost your copy of a book that you weren't really enjoying.
Audience: For Students
Type(s): Informational Event/Presentation
Oliva Carrdona
Bryn Mawr College welcomes the full participation of all individuals in all aspects of campus life. Should you wish to request a disability-related accommodation for this event, please contact the event sponsor/coordinator. Requests should be made as early as possible.