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Info Session: East Asian Languages and Cultures

Oct 25
4:00pm - 5:30pm
On Campus Event - Old Library, Quita Woodward Room

Join us for a combined get-together/info session!

Can you read Xu Bing’s square word calligraphy of Tang poet Meng Haoran’s “Spring Dawn”? (hint: it’s in English!)

春眠不覺曉,I scarcely know it was dawn, so sound was the sleep of spring.

處處聞啼鳥。Everywhere there was birdsong.

夜來風雨聲,All night long was the sound of wind and rain.

花落知多少。How many flowers have fallen to the ground?

Come and meet faculty and students of the Bi-Co East Asian Languages and Cultures department. Learn about the EALC major and minor! Ask us about our courses in Chinese and Japanese language and culture! Enjoy some snacks!

East Asian Languages and Cultures

Audience: For Students
Type(s): Informal Get-Together, Informational Event/Presentation
Shiamin Kwa

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