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Learning to Listen: Katelyn Bouska Presents 'Women and War and Peace'

Feb 10
7:00pm - 8:00pm
On Campus Event - Goodhart Hall, Music Room

Pianist Katelyn Bouska is an academic and an advocate, passionate about uncovering music lost to the passage of time. In her programming, she explores the boundaries between audience and performer, the past and the present. She brings to life these composers drawing from her deep research, cultural explorations and innovative programming. This repertoire explores the lives of six women composers during times of war, exile and the aftermath. Six women carving out their place in the world, telling their story wherever fate took them. Their experiences transcend time, space, gender, and politics. In telling their stories, pianist Katelyn Bouska has created a musical world where we see our own reflected.

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Audience: Public
Type(s): Performance
Meredith Finch

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