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Managing Digital Images in Research: An Introduction to Tropy

Apr 28
2:00pm - 3:30pm
On Campus Event - Carpenter Library, Digital Media Collaboration Lab

In this Digital Scholarship workshop, participants will learn how to use Tropy, a software designed to help manage digital research files. 

Tropy is an excellent resource for storing, organizing, and managing digitized archival materials like photographs, scans, PDFs, and other documents. If you have ever taken pictures of objects in an archive, or received scans or photographs of archival materials from a collection, Tropy can help you manage these digital files (and track other information, like image rights) in a single, centralized location. 

This workshop will provide an overview of what Tropy can do and how it can support your research, followed by a guided tutorial to set up a new project. Everyone is welcome to come for all or part of the workshop. If you are interested in participating in the tutorial, I recommend bringing a laptop and downloading Tropy in advance for free. 


Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Workshop

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