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Math is a Drag: Math Appreciation Week Keynote Address with Kyne Santos

Mar 25
8:00pm - 10:00pm
On Campus Event - Old Library, Great Hall

Kyne Santos, also known as Kyne and onlinekyne, is a drag queen known for her popular educational videos about math, which are fun, artistic and inclusive. Her talk is titled “Math is a Drag,” and no math background is required to attend! Bring your friends for a night of fun, drag and joy!

Abstract: Kyne Santos shares her story of coming out as a young gay boy in a conservative household, excelling in math at school and being a makeup star on the internet, all leading up to her meteoric rise to becoming a famous math teaching drag queen. She shares some of her favorite math problems and her advice on embracing yourself and what makes you unique.

Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Special or Campuswide Event
Leslie Cheng

Bryn Mawr College welcomes the full participation of all individuals in all aspects of campus life. Should you wish to request a disability-related accommodation for this event, please contact the event sponsor/coordinator. Requests should be made as early as possible.