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Mikhail Shishkin: Russia's War and the Role of the Writer Today

Apr 21
2:00pm - 3:30pm
On Campus Event - Wyndham, Ely Room

What does it mean to be Russian and to write in Russian today? Join us for a lecture and discussion with Mikhail Shishkin. An emigre to Switzerland since the 90s, Shishkin is one of the best living Russian writers and a fervent critic of the Putin regime.

In this talk, Shishkin will explain why it “hurts to be Russian” and how his language “has become the language of war criminals and murderers.” He asks why his country, known for its nature and culture, "keeps turning into a monster that devours its own and other countries’ children." According to Shishkin, the aim of Russia’s so-called special military operation is to destroy democratic Ukraine, but the result will be the end of Putin’s Russia. But what then? Is Putin the disease or just a symptom? Does the way to Bucha lead through Russian literature? What can a writer do?


Audience: Public
Type(s): Lecture
José Vergara

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