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Teach-In: Information Privilege and Wikipedia

Dec 3
11:00am - 12:30pm
On Campus Event - Campus Center, Room 200

In this teach-in, we will explore issues around information privilege, bias in knowledge creation, and social justice and how you can become a digital activist by editing articles on Wikipedia.

Click here to register.

Love Wikipedia? We do too! Wikipedia, as a free, open access resource, aims at democratizing knowledge. Yet, because its editor base is largely white men from the Global North, perspective bias along gender, racial, and national lines is a problem. But you can do something about it!

No experience with Wikipedia necessary. Registration is encouraged but not required.

Facilitated by Laura Surtees, Joyce Angelucci, and Camilla MacKay from LITS.

Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Teach-in
Laura Surtees

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