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Teach-In: Saying Sorry: The Art of Giving Apologies

Dec 4
10:00am - 11:30am
100% Virtual Event, via Zoom.
Image of lantern in stone with 'Teach-Ins' graphic

This teach-in is an exploration of the way we navigate harm, forgiveness, and healing in our lives. What would the world look like after we dismantle systems of oppression?

Click here to register.

Saying Sorry: The Art of Giving Apologies is an exploration of the way we navigate harm, forgiveness, and healing in our lives. We often discuss what the world would look like after we dismantle systems of oppression: community-based care, mutual aid, freedom dreaming. The abolition of such systems isn’t as easy as just naming what would be a more beneficial and inclusive practice; when we move to a post-liberated world, we are then entrusting our safety, community, care, and livelihood to each other. In this new world, harm is bound to happen as we are flawed individuals who were, at one point, products of systems of oppression. Though this post-liberated world is still on the horizon, can we consider what it would look like for us to, right now, say sorry to one another for harm we’ve caused under these systems? What does asking for forgiveness look like? What are the binaries of harm?

Facilitated by Rosario Santiago '22.

Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Teach-in
Rosario Santiago

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