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WEW: My Body, My Self

Apr 11
3:00pm - 4:00pm
On Campus Event - Dalton, Room 25

This workshop examines the narratives we hear and hold onto about our bodies. From birth, cultural norms pressure us to tie our worth or our value to a bodily appearance-ideal that is often not of our own making. Claiming and reclaiming our body narratives helps us to be in, move, appreciate and accept our bodies as they authentically are. Creating our body narratives in more positive and accepting terms can be a powerful and meaningful gift that we give ourselves.

Discussion topics may include weight stigma, gender dysphoria and relationships of gender and body acceptance, ableism, and intersections of race and body acceptance and white supremacist ideals.

Please bring your thoughts and ideas as well! This is a safe space to discuss a variety of topics on body image and acceptance.

Wellness Education Week (WEW) 2023: A moment. A unique threshold of time. Time compiled into memories, memories that ground stories, and stories that become us. Throughout our lives, we live through experiences. They celebrate us through our identity, and they can illustrate the trajectory of our lives or even explain how everything fell into place. These are the stories we hold. Whether you tell your story through words, dance, or art. Your very presence in this world, your story is uniquely yours to share, an inspiration and a reminder that you matter and are deserving. Please join HCAB in Wellness Education Week 2023 through a keynote, workshop series and activities that illustrate how the stories we hold can also become the stories we tell.

Health and Wellness Center

Audience: BMC Community
Type(s): Discussion, Workshop
Julia Kim

Bryn Mawr College welcomes the full participation of all individuals in all aspects of campus life. Should you wish to request a disability-related accommodation for this event, please contact the event sponsor/coordinator. Requests should be made as early as possible.