Azade Seyhan

Ph.D. University of Washington
Areas of Focus
German Classicism and Romanticism, cultural diversity in the modern German society, philosophical approaches to criticism, women’s writing, modern exile, migrancy, and diasporas.
Azade Seyhan is the Fairbank Professor in the Humanities, Professor of German and Comparative Literature, and Affiliated Faculty in Philosophy and Middle Eastern Studies at Bryn Mawr College. She is the author of Representation and Its Discontents: The Critical Legacy of German Romanticism (University of California Press, 1992); Writing Outside the Nation (Princeton University Press, 2001); Tales of Crossed Destinies: The Modern Turkish Novel in a Comparative Contest (MLA, 2008), which was translated into Turkish in 2014. Her most recent book is Heinrich Heine and the World Literary Map (Springer, January 2019).
Her most recent articles and book chapters have appeared in Telos, Text+Kritik (Germany), The German Quarterly, The Journal of Turkish Literature (Turkey), Un/Translatables: New Maps for Germanic Literatures (Northwestern UP), and The Cambridge Companion to the City in Literature (Cambridge UP), among others. In recent years, she has been a keynote speaker at national and international conferences at Stockholm University (Sweden); Boğaziçi University, Istanbul; University of Bucharest (Romania); Central European University, Budapest; The University of Pennsylvania; and Copenhagen University (Denmark).
Courses Regularly Taught in Philosophy:
- Philosophical Approaches to Criticism
- Play of Interpretation
- Readings in German Intellectual History: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud and the Rhetoric of Modernity