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Conversation: Rethinking Biopolitics: Scholarship and Advocacy in the Age of Trump

February 10, 2017

Monday, Feb. 13, 7:30-9:00PM, Science Center 101, Swarthmore College

Listen to a sociologist and law professor discussed how engaged scholarship and informed advocacy help avert the kinds of scientific, medical, and biotech innovations that unjustly divide us, and encourage those that affirm our common humanity!

Center for Genetics and Society executive director Marcy Darnovsky and University of Pennsylvania sociologist and law professor Dorothy Roberts discuss urgent social justice issues at the intersection of race, genetics, and human biotechnology, and explore their implications for the new US political landscape.

The conversation will be moderated by Swarthmore professors Giovanna DiChiro and Christy Schuetze.

Questions? Contact Christy Schuetze (

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