The Peer Mentors & Office of Academic Support Services developed this quick guide for students on how to be successful as a new online learner. Read their advice below.
Communicate with your instructor
This is new for everyone so don’t be afraid to ask questions about how and when the course will be held, what materials are needed, and how to communicate with your professor and classmates.
Know the expectations
Whether your class will continue to be held at its normal time virtually or not, it is important to understand the expectations of the situation and the work you need to complete. Reach out to your professors, LITS, deans, classmates and TAs for any clarification.
Establish a functional workspace
You will want to set up a dedicated learning environment. A space that has few distractions, good internet, and is separate from your bed (if possible) is ideal. Creating a designated workspace will help with productivity, organization, time management, and information retention.
Manage your time wisely
Even if your course is asynchronous, it is often helpful to schedule your time so that you have blocks of time to complete work. Set timers and use a planner to help keep you on track with work day-to-day and week-to-week. Keep track of your syllabus, deadlines, and discussions to prevent ending up with a lot of work to do in a day!
Use your network
Engage in the discussion, read your emails, ask questions, and be an active participant in the course (remember that you can find your classmates’ emails on Moodle!!). Be sure to respond to classmates reaching out, we are all in this together and often each other's greatest resource!
Get creative!
Modify study techniques you used at school, explore new tools, find additional resources, and figure out what works for you! This is a chance to adapt and explore how you can learn and it might pay off in the long run!
Don’t forget to use your resources: Academic and Student Support Services
Created by the Peer Mentors & Office of Academic Support Services. Adapted from https://online.illinois.edu/articles/online-learning/item/2020/03/12/adapting-to-online-learning