Name: Dilesha Tanna
Major: Economics at Haverford College
Minors: Dance and International Studies with a concentration in Economic Development
Hometown: Lancaster, PA
Key Bryn Mawr Experiences:
- Class of 2020 President (2016-2018)
- Owl Investment Group— President and Publicity Chair (2017-2019)
- Teaching Assistant: Econ 302 at Haverford College
- Co-Captaining an off-campus competitive dance team (2017-2020)
- Redefine Her Street—CFO
- Mayuri
- Harry Potter End of Term Feast
Post Graduation Plans: Dilesha will be working at Citibank as a Sales and Trading Analyst in New York City.
Words of Wisdom for the Class of 2024: Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! Get involved in the extracurriculars at Bryn Mawr, take classes at other colleges, and get to know people outside of Bryn Mawr and in the consortium. Some of my most meaningful memories and friendships have been outside of Bryn Mawr classes. You might be surprised by what you can learn about yourself and how well you handle challenges when you open up to new experiences!