Name: Samara Jones
Majors: English and Africana Studies
Minor: Education
Hometown: Wyndmoor, PA
Key Bryn Mawr Experiences: All the special traditions.
Post-graduation plans: Joining Urban Teachers in D.C., where I will become certified in Elementary Education, Special Education and obtain my masters from Johns Hopkins University.
Message for the Class of 2020: We did it!
What I will remember most: The confidence and self assurance I have grown in my four years.
People I want to thank: I want to thank my family first for supporting me these past four years. For encouraging and motivating me to keep pushing. I’m thankful for the friends I got to make memories with from traditions to long study sessions. I’m thankful for my professors who challenged me and helped me reach my potential. For my dean for guiding me through the ups and downs of this academic journey. And I’m thankful for every staff member who took out the time to ask me how I was doing and offer a hug. I couldn’t have made it without all the amazing people in my life.