Name: Divya Sundararajan
Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Minor: Child and Family Studies
Hometown: Sunnyvale, CA
Post-graduation plans: I will be joining the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland as a post-baccalaureate fellow! My lab works on the treatment and management of chronic viral hepatitis.
People you want to thank: I would like to thank my thesis mentor, Dr. Melanie Cree-Green ’99, for her invaluable mentorship and support during my time at Bryn Mawr from the first time I externed with her in my sophomore year. I would also like to thank the professors of the Bryn Mawr Biology and Chemistry departments for all their mentorship and support over my four years, in particular Dr. Monica Chander, Dr. Tamara Davis, Dr. Greg Davis, Dr. Lisa Watkins, and Dr. Olga Karagiaridi.
Key Bryn Mawr Experiences:
- My acapella group – the Acabellas!
- Being on the Honor Board
- Studying abroad in London
- Working at the Thorne Kindergarten
Members of the Class of 2021, we want to hear from you! Drop us a note at news@brynmawr.edu. Include a photo of yourself and let us know what you have planned for life after Bryn Mawr, who you'd like to thank, words of wisdom, or whatever else you'd like to say. We'll be sharing selected profiles on the College's website and social media channels over the next few weeks.