Name: Rafa Khan
Major: Health Science and Societies
Hometown: Hong Kong
Key Bryn Mawr Experiences:
- Being a SAS e-board member and a part of the lovely MSA community
- Working with ACLAMO - as a housing counselor, as a teacher, and as the ADELANTE coordinator
- Working as a clinical research assistant at CHOP
- TAing for Intro to Health Studies
- Being a CDA for two years
- Working in New Dorm and Uncommon
- Staying on campus during spring/summer 2020
- Living in Mermont Plaza!
Post-graduation plans: I’ll be a clinical research coordinator at the Smell and Taste Center at the Perelman School of Medicine!
People you want to thank: Thank you so much to my wonderful ma and ba and my brothers for all the supportive phone calls. Thank you to my nanu, nana, aunt, uncle, and Tarzan for taking such good care of me. Thank you to Dr. Anna West for being the best mentor. Thank you to Lisa Armstrong for being the best boss. Thank you to ACLAMO for being the best part of my college career. Thank you to my lovely friends for all the sweet memories!