Name: Sophie Greer
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Data Science and Health Studies
Hometown: Brookline, MA
Key Bryn Mawr Experiences:
- Awarded the Cohen Data Science Grant (summer funding award)
- Awarded the Community Building Honor Roll
- Health Studies Senior Minor Representative
- Praxis internships at Brandeis University and Facilitate Joy!
- Student Advisory Committee Member (all 4 years)
- Accessibility Leadership Committee Student Representative
- Co-founder and co-president of EnAble, Bryn Mawr’s neurodiversity affinity and awareness group (Spring 2021, 2021-22, 2022-23)
- Leading the campaign for the development of an academic program in Disability Studies in the Tri-Co with Disability Advocacy for Students at Haverford (Spring 2021, 2021-22, 2022-23)
Post-graduation plans: Working and volunteering in public health and continuing my activism.
People you want to thank: My family for enabling me to attend Bryn Mawr and instilling a strong work ethic and love of learning in me. My professors, including Professor Kristin Lindgren (Haverford), Professor Adam Williamson (Bryn Mawr), and Professor Celia Litovski (Bryn Mawr), for giving me the opportunity to expand my mind and explore unique subjects which I probably never would’ve learned about otherwise, and for being wonderful mentors. My Dean (Judy Balthazar) and my major and minor advisors. Stephanie Kjelstrom and Georgia Montone (Lankenau Institute for Medical Research) and Cady Stanton (Facilitate Joy!). Sally Dean for her academic coaching and support, and my therapist for her ongoing support and guidance. The Writing Center. Lastly, my friends, whom I’ve had the honor of spending the last four years with.
What will you remember most about your time at Bryn Mawr? In no particular order, fighting institutional ableism and building community with BMC’s wonderful EnAble club, having the opportunity to discover some of my favorite academic topics through classes, Sunday Sundaes at Erdman, going to Nerd House events every Saturday, how there is always something fun or interesting to do on campus, and how supportive, inclusive, and genuine so many of my fellow students have been."
Members of the Class of 2023, we want to hear from you! Drop us a note at news@brynmawr.edu. Include a photo of yourself and let us know what you have planned for life after Bryn Mawr, who you'd like to thank, words of wisdom, or whatever else you'd like to say. We'll be sharing selected profiles on the College's website and social media channels over the next few weeks.