Creative Writing’s J.C. Todd Awarded Residency Fellowship and Stipend by the Ragdale Foundation
Located in Lake Forest, Il., Ragsdale artists-in-residence enjoy uninterrupted time for work, a supportive environment, and dynamic artist exchanges.
During her residency, Todd will be working on a collection of poems tentatively titled "War Zone" and a second collaboration with visual artist MaryAnn L. Miller.
Todd and Miller’s first collaboration, an artist book titled FUBAR, was recently released by Lucia Press. The book is the centerpiece of the exhibit “Beyond All Repair,” which is on display in the Eva Jane Romaine Coombe '52 Special Collections Suite of Canaday Library until April 15.
Todd is author of What Space this Body, a collection of poems described by MacArthur Award poet, Eleanor Wilner, as “a rare combination of daring material and meticulous intellect.” Awarded a Pew Fellowship in the Arts and a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowship, Todd has also been a finalist for the Poetry Society of America’s Robert H Winner Award (2015) and Lucille Medwick Memorial Award (2006), and has been named a commended poet in the Hippocrates International Prize in Poetry and Medicine. She has published two chapbooks, Entering Pisces (Pine Press, 1985) and Nightshade (Pine Press, 2000). Her poems have appeared in the American Poetry Review, The Paris Review, Prairie Schooner and The Virginia Quarterly Review, and her translations have been anthologized in New European Poets. Formerly a contributing editor for The Drunken Boat, she edited and compiled translation features on contemporary poetry from Latvia and Lithuania.
At Bryn Mawr, she has taught Introduction to Creative Writing, Poetry I & II, Emily Balch Seminars, and Writing Workshops.