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Ph.D. Candidate Nava Streiter Receives a Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship

July 9, 2019
Nava Streiter

Nava Streiter, a doctoral candidate in Bryn Mawr's History of Art department, has been selected to receive a Dolores Zohrab Liebmann fellowship.

Liebmann was the daughter of a prominent Armenian intellectual, writer, and statesman, and was married to one of the owners of a successful American business. She supported students and educational and charitable organizations during her lifetime. The Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund was established after her death in 1991. The fellowship covers the cost of tuition.

Streiter is studying with History of Art Associate Professor Alicia Walker. Her dissertation explores representations of body language in middle-Byzantine illuminated manuscripts. Beyond deciphering the meanings of individual gestures, she explores how the Byzantines used posture and gesture to order and interpret social systems.

Streiter worked for two years as a graduate assistant in Bryn Mawr’s Special Collections Department and has also interned at the Frick Collection’s Center for the History of Collecting, and served as a researcher at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. She has presented papers at the Frick Collection and at the Byzantine Studies Conference and has led a series of gallery talks at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Her work has been supported by grants from the International Center for Medieval Art, the Knights of Columbus Vatican Film Library, and the Delaware Valley Medieval Association, among other organizations.

Originally from Long Island, Streiter received her undergraduate degree from the Macaulay Honors College at Queens College, CUNY, and a master's degree from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. 

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

History of Art