Student Mathematics Antiracism Reading and Praxis Group
A group that discusses readings about self-education and anti-racism in mathematics and supports anti-racist efforts in the field.
Readings will focus on self-education about anti-racism in mathematics and supporting anti-racist efforts in the field. The group meets every other Friday from 6-7 p.m. (EST) via Zoom.
- Feb. 19 - "Meet Us At Our Table:" Problems with the White Savior Complex by Toi Scott
- March 5 - Anti-racism in Mathematics: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How? by Erica Graham
- March 19 - The Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture from Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups, by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun; The ADHD Good Life Podcast by Sandra Coral (episodes: Intersectionality 101 & ADHD, White Supremacy Culture 101 & ADHD, etc.)
- April 2 - Cognitive Reserve and Racial Privilege in STEM, by Mélise Edwards
- April 16 - Watch Coded Bias (available as part of the teach-in until Apr 7; available on Netflix as of Apr 5)
- April 30 - Building Equity-minded Online Programs by Justin Lanier and Marissa Kawehi Loving; Math Can't Solve Everything by Jamie Williams and Lena Gunn; On Matter Beyond the Equation of Value by Denise Ferreira da Silva
- An Existence Proof: The Mathematicians of the African Diaspora Website by Brian Katz
- Why Math and STEM Education is a Social Justice Issue by Dr. Gina Cherkowski
- What does mathematics have to do with social justice? by Chintan Girish Modi
- How Does Race Affect a Student's Math Education? by Melinda D. Anderson
- A Guide for Integrating Issues of Social and Economic Justice into Mathematics Curriculum by Jonathan Osler
- Cognitive Reserve and Racial Privilege in STEM by Mélise Edwards
- "Meet Us At Our Table:" The Problems with the White Savior Complex by Toi Scott
- Federico Ardila's page Ethics in Mathematics: Resources
- Ethics in Mathematics - Tripos Questions
- Artificial Intelligence: Wired interview with President Obama and Joi Ito (MIT)
- The NSA: Mathematicians Urge Colleagues to Refuse to Work for the NSA by Kashmir Hill
- Algorithms: Academics Corfirm Major Prodictive Policing Algorithm is Fundamentally Flawed by Caroline Haskins
- Coded Bias (film)
- We Read the Paper that Forced Timnit Gebru out of Google. Here's What it Says. by Karen Hao

Contact Us
Mathematics Department
Tina Fasbinder
Academic Administrative Assistant
Fax: 610-526-6575
Park Science Building
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899