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Applying the Deconstructing Anxiety Model to Various Anxiety Disorders

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$180 | 8 CEUs | Virtual

$180 | 8 CEUs | Virtual

In this seminar, Todd Pressman, Ph.D., founder of the model, will go into depth with the theory and practices of “Deconstructing Anxiety,” demonstrating their application to a variety of anxiety disorders including PTSD, OCD, Social Anxiety and more.

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Delivery: Synchronous Virtual Classroom via Zoom

The Deconstructing Anxiety model has been gaining international attention as a powerful new approach to understanding and treating anxiety disorders.  In this seminar, Todd Pressman, Ph.D., founder of the model, will go into depth with the theory and practices of “Deconstructing Anxiety,” demonstrating their application to a variety of anxiety disorders including PTSD, OCD, Social Anxiety and more.  

The model lays out what is in many ways a radically new understanding of the origin of anxiety, both in the individual and in the evolution of humanity.

Come for a deep dive into this holistic and transformational approach that posits a “core fear” and “chief defense” as the root not only of anxiety but all suffering.  By understanding the five core fears, we may help our clients gain insight into the true source of their anxiety disorders and open a pathway to meaning, purpose, identity, love and even a peaceful acceptance of death.  Because these are universal themes that are fundamental to all anxiety disorders (and the human condition in general), we will see how they can be applied to diverse populations. Come prepared for a rich exploration of this powerful new model, which has been hailed as “a whole new perspective on anxiety”, “one of the most exciting things I’ve come across in a long time” and “truly profound…worth the world’s attention!”.

Learning objectives: 1) Explain the concept of the core fear and chief defense and how they build the anxious personality; 2) Utilize the techniques of “Digging for Gold”, “The Alchemist”, “The Witness” and “The Warrior’s Stance”; and 3) Master the practice of “Vision questing” to help your clients transform anxiety into fulfillment.

Instructor: Todd Pressman, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in private practice for more than 35 years. An international speaker and seminar leader, his “Deconstructing Anxiety” program is gaining significant attention, offering dramatically improved results for those suffering with anxiety disorders as well as anyone interested in achieving greater meaning, purpose and fulfillment. 

This is a two-day program. Participants are expected to commit to attendance to both sessions.

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