Bryn Mawr POVs Stories

"From Paraguay to Bryn Mawr"
"While 'community' might seem like a buzzword during the college search process, BMC students seemed to truly live by this idea."

"Forging Her Own Path:" Devon Brown P'28
"Seeing the effect that the campus had on our daughter [Sinclair] as she walked through Pembroke Arch for the first time was pure magic."

My STEMLA Story: Daiana Azim '28
"STEMLA has taught me that a scientist is not simply someone who is a genius in science, but rather it is a way of thinking and acting that anyone can adopt and learn."

My STEMLA Story: Marie-Claire Davenport '28
"The field trips we took were not just moments of deeper connection with our teachers, our upperclassmen, and amongst ourselves, but also fun learning opportunities!"

Alumni Spotlight: Kate Petrova
"Living and learning alongside so many incredible, talented, and unique individuals empowered me to express myself authentically, without fear or shame."

The "Goodbye and Hello:" Bruce Fort P'23
"Bryn Mawr ticked off all of these boxes in quick succession—but in the end, I believe a certain amount of alchemy brought Evie and Bryn Mawr together."