Fall 2025 Courses and Offerings
We in the Education Department are looking forward with joy to working with you for the Fall of 2025! You can find here our full course listings for the 2025-26 Academic Year.
We continue to have four exploratory entry point courses, and are offering several capstone options. You can find out more about these courses in the trico course guide, or by emailing the instructor directly!
The Education Department
Our Department
The Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Department centers on teaching and learning as fundamental to human life and growth, and fundamentally connected to struggles for understanding, liberation, and justice. With a primary focus on relationships, facilitation, and change as the heart of the study and practice of education, we address our students as past, current, and future stakeholders of public education systems, as participants in many other systems and structures, and as prospective teachers, school leaders, researchers, policy makers, activists, artists, and theorists. Defining teaching and learning as social, political, and cultural as well as personal activities, the Education Department challenges students to explore the relationships among schooling and other contexts of learning, human development, and social change as they gain knowledge and skills of educational theory and practice.
See the Student Guidebook for an overview of the major and minor options, requirements, declaration processes, and course offerings.
"So, every day, I’m challenging myself, 'What are you doing, bell, for the creation of the beloved community?' Because that’s the underground, local insistence that I be a fundamental part of the world that I’m in.’’ — bell hooks
Education Department COVID Policy & Guidelines
The Education Department's COVID masking policy is consistent with the Bryn Mawr and Haverford College's policies overall. Our course classrooms are mask-friendly, meaning masks are welcome, but not required, unless the instructor working with the class decides to create a class requirement informed by the class community’s needs. We will continue to emphasize care and consideration for each other's needs and desires, and make ongoing decisions, centering these.
When students are attending their educational internships, they should learn and follow the COVID guidelines of the school or program community.
Bryn Mawr College's COVID 19 Policy and Protocols
Haverford College's COVID 19 Policy and Protocols
Prospective Students
Check out the Education page in Majors, Minors, and Concentrations.

Contact Us
Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Program
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5010
Haverford College
Founders 028
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041-1392