Colloquia and Events 2013/14
The weekly Classics Colloquia provide an informal meeting ground for the College's lively community of undergraduates, graduate students and faculty who are interested in classical subjects. Each year, the series brings to campus a number of distinguished speakers on a variety of literary, archaeological and historical subjects.
Fall 2013 Classics Colloquia
Monica Gale
Trinity College
"Catullus Through the Looking Glass:
Suffenus and Mamurra"
Sept. 6
News from Abroad:
Student Reports from the Field
Sept. 13
Bernard Frischer
University of Virginia
"Modeling the Past: Hadrian's Villa and Other Projects of the Virtual World Heritage Laboratory"
Sept. 27
The Ninth Biennial Graduate Group Symposium—Home: Departure and Destination
Kostis Kourelis
Franklin and Marshall College
“The Membrology of Home: Tales from the Archaeological Underground”
Oct. 4 and 5
Conference: Plato and the Power of Images
Elizabeth Belfiore, University of Minnesota
"The Image of Achilles in Plato's Symposium"
Francisco Gonzalez, University of Ottawa
"The Power of a Beautiful Image in Plato and the Poets: Infatuation or Transcendence?"
Louis-André Dorion, Université de Montreal
"Image and Comparison: The Explanatory Power of the Eikôn in the Republic"
Catherine Collobert, University of Ottawa
"Two Images of the Soul in the Republic: The Three-Headed Beast (Book IX) and the Sea Creature Glaucus (Book X)"
Gerd Van Riel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
"Perspectivism in Plato’s Views of the Gods"
Elsa Grasso, Université de Nice
"Platonic Images: Where the Truth Lies"
Pierre Destrée, Université Catholique de Louvain
"Plato on Images that Make One Laugh"
Zacharoula Petraki, University of Crete
"Viewing the Invisible: Plato’s Use of Pictorial Arts"
Christopher Moore, Pennsylvania State University
"The Images of Knowing Oneself"
Richard Hunter, University of Cambridge
"The Serpent Within: the Afterlife of a Platonic Image"
Oct. 11 and 12
Nadia Coutsinas
Université Libre de Bruxelles
"Study of the Establishment of
the City-States of Crete"
Oct. 25
Becky Martin
Boston University
"Drinking Rituals in the Eastern Mediterranean: Revisiting the Relationship between Symposion and Marzeah"
Nov. 1
Sitta von Reden
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg & Institute for Advanced Study
"Ancient Imperial Economies in World Historical Perspective (1000 BCE-900 CE): Problems and Challenges"
Nov. 8
Yang Huang
Fudan University
"Inventing the Barbarian in
Ancient Greece and China"
Nov. 15
Raquel Martin
Universidad Complutense, Madrid
"The Magician As a Scribe:
The Use of Lectional Signs in PGM VII"
Nov. 22
Sydnor Roy
Haverford College
"Food and the Philosophy
of Empire in Herodotus"
Dec. 6
James Collins
University of Southern California
"Philosophy in the Marketplace"
Dec. 13
Spring 2014 Classics Colloquia
Joel Christensen
University of Texas, San Antonio
"Odysseus' Nostos and the Odyssey's Nostoi: Homeric Composition and the Epic Cycle"
Jan. 31
William Tortorelli
Haverford College
"Archilochus' Feet and Archaic Poetics"
Feb 7
Joseph Solodow
Yale University
"Livy XXI: Historical Aims and Method"
Feb. 14
Emmanuel Voutiras
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
"Purification in the Reconciliation Inscription from the Eretrian Colony of Dikaia"
Feb. 21
Wang Shaohui
Northeast Normal University, People's Republic of China
"The Urns of Zeus: A Tentative Approach"
Feb. 28
The Agnes Michels Lecture, sponsored by the Graduate Students in the Department of Greek, Latin and Classical Studies
Sarah Iles Johnston
Ohio State University
"The Afterlife and Its Alternatives in Greek Mythic Thought"
March 21
Seth Schein
University of California, Davis
"Cognitive Science and Greek Meter: Hermann's Bridge in the Homeric Hexameter and the Interpretation of Iliad 24"
March 28
The C. Densmore Curtis Lecture, presented by the Graduate Students in the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology
Amelie Kuhrt
Professor Emerita at the University College, London
"The Persian View of Their Empire"
March 28
Jocelyn Penny Small
Rutgers University
"Circling Round a Solution to
Designing Roman Wall Paintings"
April 11
Gareth Williams
Columbia University
"Double Vision: Reading Seneca's Natural Questions Alongside His Morales Epistulae"
April 18
Christopher Parslow
Wesleyan University
"Julia Felix and Her Praedia in Pompeii"
April 25
Graciela C. Zecchin
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
"Trojan War: Memory, Past and Cretan Perspective in Odysseus' Biographies"
May 2
Joan Breton Connelly
New York University
"The Parthenon Enigma: A New Look at an Old Icon"
May 9

Contact Us
Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies
Old Library 103
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5083
Radcliffe Edmonds, Chair
Leslie Lawrence, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: 610-526-5083