Declaring a Major or Minor
Declaring a Major or Minor in Linguistics
For Bi-Co Students
The Bi-Co Linguistics Department offers two majors and one minor: (a) Linguistics major, (b) Linguistics & Language major (Ling/Lang), and (c) Linguistics Minor. The following instructions apply to all.
Bi-Co students declare their major or minor by following their own College's procedure for declarations. Bryn Mawr students do NOT need to declare their Linguistics major or minor at Haverford
- Email Jane Chandlee (, Bi-Co Chair of Linguistics, to schedule a meeting. The subject line of the email should be: Declaring major (or minor) in Linguistics—Your Name. All subsequent email communication related to the declaration should follow this single thread. Attach an (un)official transcript to the email so that the chair can consult it while checking your major or minor plan.
- During the meeting, we will go over your plan on course work (past, present, and future), credits from Study Abroad, if applicable, and senior thesis.
- To Bryn Mawr students, you should go on Bionic to complete your official declaration with the Bryn Mawr Registrar’s Office. You should choose LINGAB as the code for the Linguistics major, and LLANSAB as the code for the Linguistics & Language major.
- To Haverford students, you should bring the declaration form with you to the meeting, and submit the completed form signed by the department chair to the Haverford Registrar’s Office afterwards.
- After completing the home College’s declaration requirements, you must complete the Linguistics Major, Linguistics & Language Major, or the Linguistics Minor Plan that the Tri-Co Linguistics department requires all potential majors/minors to submit.
When done with the above, please do the following:- SAVE THE FORM AS IS PLUS YOUR NAME AT THE END OF THE FILE NAME
- Email the completed form to Jane Chandlee ( CCing Kim Minor at and Tarsia Duff at by following the same declaration email thread.
- In this email, include your (un)official transcript so that both of us have the same documents on file.
- We welcome double majors. Bryn Mawr students should discuss the double major plan with your Dean. Haverford students must have a 3.7 GPA in order to qualify for double majoring.
If you have any questions, please contact Jane Chandlee (
Declaration Forms
• Tri-College Application to Major in Linguistics
• Tri-College Application to Major in Linguistics & Languages
• Tri-College Application to Minor in Linguistics

Contact Us
Jane Chandlee
Associate Professor and Haverford Chair of Linguistics (TriCo)
Chase 103C
(610) 795-3371
Kim Minor
Administrative Assistant
Chase Hall, 2nd floor