Eventi per il nuovo anno accademico AY 24-25

Tavola Italiana
Spring 2025
Every Friday, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm in the Dorothy Vernon Room - New Dorm Dining Hall
The Department of Transnational Italian Studies cordially invites you to "Tavola Italiana", the weekly language table to practice Italian alongside some Italian treats. Join us to talk in Italian freely at any level and get to know other people in the Department. Specific language proficiency levels or affiliations to current ITAL courses are not needed. Come when you can and leave when you must. Please visit the Instagram page for updates or contact rricci@brynmawr.edu and lzipoli@brynmawr.edu for more information.
Event Policies and Procedures
- Some photographs taken during this event may be posted on the Department's website and social media pages. Please do not participate in a photograph if you do not wish to have your photo appear online.
- Our events may be filmed. By being present, you agree to give permission to videotape, and you consent to the Department using such videos for educational and promotional purposes. The events are recorded solely for the purposes of the department’s internal records and outreaching activities, and they may be shared on the departmental YouTube channel and social media pages. Please reach out to the event contact person should you wish not to have your image, likeness, and voice appear online.
- The Department welcomes the full participation of all individuals in all aspects of campus life. Should you wish to request a disability-related accommodation for an event, please reach out to the event contact person. Requests should be made as early as possible.
- Unless otherwise noted, talks, conferences, and guest lectures are open to the broadest audience. During Q&A sessions, priority for questions may be first given to students.

Contact Us
Transnational Italian Studies Department
Old Library 103
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5198
Fax: 610-526-7479
Roberta Ricci, Chair
Phone: 610-526-5048
Katie Pidot, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: (610) 526-5198