Elizabeth Gray Vining Scholarship for Summer Study Abroad

The Elizabeth Gray Vining Scholarship provides up to 1 million yen for those seeking direct contact with Japanese culture.

It can be used to fund summer study abroad in Japan. Although in general preference will be given to those with at least basic knowledge of Japanese, exceptions may be made depending on the nature of the project or program proposed.


The scholarship is open to graduating students, but returning students will receive preference.

To Apply

  • Complete the online Elizabeth Gray Vining Scholarship for Summer Study Abroad online application.
  • Arrange to have two letters of recommendation submitted through this online recommendation form. Send this link to your recommenders to complete.
  • Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025, at midnight

More Information

For more information, please contact Fellowship Adviser Ellie Stanford at estanford1@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-5375.