Information for Faculty

The Hanna Holborn Gray program could not exist without the contributions of faculty, who agree to advise HHG fellows on their summer research projects. The HHG opportunity is usually the first time that students engage in sustained, independent research, and it gives them a taste of what graduate work will involve. Faculty are remunerated for this important work. 

Faculty do not need to meet in person with their advisee over the eight weeks of the summer, but they should be available to their advisees via email and/or Zoom.  Each faculty/fellow pair can work out for themselves how often they will be in contact, but the expectation is that faculty will be in touch with their advisees once every week or so. If a faculty member will not be available for some period over the summer, this should be discussed in advance with the HHG fellow. 

Fellows are required to submit a mid-summer reflection of three to five pages that focuses on three research questions, along with an annotated bibliography.  This assignment should be submitted both to the graduate mentors and to the faculty adviser, and they are expected to comment on the paper soon after receiving it so that the fellow can make the best use of the remaining weeks of the summer to conclude their research. 

HHG fellows are required to submit a final paper of at least 10 pages towards the end of August to both the graduate mentors and the faculty adviser.  Faculty are expected to comment on this paper.  (The precise deadlines for the mid-summer reflection and the final paper vary from year to year.  Faculty and HHG fellows will be informed of the specific dates after the HHG selection process is completed.)

The HHG program concludes early in the fall semester, when the fellows summarize their research in panel presentations.  Each presentation is ten minutes long.  Faculty advisers are encouraged to attend their advisee’s presentation, but they do not have any particular responsibilities with regard to the presentation. 

HHG fellows and their advisers are required to sign an Expectations Worksheet in the spring, after the selection process, so that the communication arrangement between advisee and adviser is clear to both parties.