Teaching Assistants in French
Note: Dates on this page are for the Spring 2024 application process. This information will be updated for the upcoming academic year when available.
Information for TA Candidates in French
In the Intensive Language Programs, as well as in non-intensive Intermediate French, master classes are supplemented by smaller group sessions taught by apprentice teachers trained during a pre-semester workshop.
To be eligible for such a position, you must be a Bryn Mawr or Haverford undergraduate and be enrolled in or have completed courses at the 200-level or have equivalent proficiency in French.
Assistants are selected and hired by the department at the end of the workshop. Please note that we try to place as many candidates as possible but we cannot promise you a job ahead of time. If you are on financial aid, you should, therefore, make sure you have a secure job for next year in addition to this one.
At the Intensive Elementary level, the Teaching Assistant will be responsible for:
- Drilling the students with the material taught in the Masterclasses.
- Supervising interactive and task-oriented activities designed to encourage communication in the target language. Such activities will include rapid-paced communicative drills, dialogues, simulations, pantomime, role-playing, discussions, debates, interviews, skits, and task-oriented demonstrations.
- Mandatory Monday night session (6:30-7:30 p.m.) Please note: This time can adapt to TA and student schedules.
- Meeting 1 hour per week with the course coordinator for problem-solving and discussion of the following week's activities.
Intensive Elementary — 8 hours per week:
- 3 hours teaching group session (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday time to be arranged)
- 3 hours of preparation
- 1-hour general session (Monday 6.30 p.m.)
- 1-hour meeting with the course coordinator (time to be arranged)
Total: 8 hours per week (This course runs for the entire academic year.)
At the Intensive Intermediate level the Teaching Assistant will be responsible for:
a). open-ended activities (conversation, debates, and skits)
b). meeting 1 hour per week with the course coordinator for problem-solving and discussion of the following week's activities
Intensive Intermediate — 3 hours per week:
- 1-hour teaching small session (One day per week (TBD)- time to be arranged) plus 1-hour preparation
- 1-hour meeting with the course coordinator (day and time to be arranged)
Total: 3 hours per week (This course is offered in the fall semester only.)
At the Non-Intensive Intermediate level, the Teaching Assistant will be responsible for:
a). open-ended activities (conversation, debates, and skits)
b). meeting 1 hour/per week with the course coordinator for problem-solving discussion and course planning of the following week's activities
Non-Intensive Intermediate — 3 hours per week:
- 1-hour teaching small session (Wednesday or Thursday at times to be arranged on Bryn Mawr or Haverford campus)
- 1-hour preparation
- 1-hour meeting with the course coordinator (Monday time to be arranged)
Total: 3 hours per week
Occasionally, assistants teach two sections. Since they prepare the same material for two sections the total number of hours would then be 4.
You will be paid a good work-study rate for these positions. The rate for 2024/2025 is $15.00 per hour (rates for 2025/2026 are TBD).
* Interested candidates in these positions must read the general information about the position and complete the online application no later than May 1st.
* Once you have been notified that your application has been received and accepted, please fill out the French TA Workshop Registration Form at your earliest convenience, and no later than June 1st. If you have questions, please email Agnès Peysson-Zeiss (apeyssonze@brynmawr.edu).

Contact Us
Pre-Employment Language Workshop
Katie Pidot, Academic Administrative Assistant