Bryn Mawr Stories

Image of a painting depicting the battle of Germantown

360°: Revolutions

How do different kinds of revolutions feed one another? How do art, culture and politics work together to form and normalize or defang the radicalism of the new order?

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A night view of bridges in Seoul

360°: K-Power

South Korea’s Rise from Ashes to Icons

This cluster explores three key dimensions of South Korea: Might (its politics, military, and diplomacy), Money (its economy), and Minds (its culture).

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Mirabai Ari at Lantern Night

Mirabai Ari '28

Hometown: Richmond, CA

"I would consistently hear stories of people discovering their secret talents or meeting their best friends just by saying yes to something new."

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Cristina Fink and Novy Goetgeluk

Novy Goetgeluk '25

Hometown: Strijen, the Netherlands

"Bryn Mawr created an environment for me where finding my confidence and leadership on the field also meant finding confidence and leadership in the classroom."

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Rana Rastegari '26 holding a pumpkin

Rana Rastegari '26

Hometowns: London, UK and Shiraz, Iran

"Bryn Mawr has taught me so much, from organic chemistry mechanisms to the intricacies of Kafka’s writing, but most importantly it has taught me the importance of community."

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Sofia and friends at Convocation

Sofia Azuara '25

Hometown: Houston, TX

"Throughout my many walks across campus where I bump into one or more friends, classmates, co-workers, faculty, and staff, I have come to learn that everyone at Bryn Mawr is excited to get to know you and wants to see you succeed."

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Emma Gross and Audrey Hinsdale '25

Emma Gross '25

Hometown: Ottsville, PA

"My time at Bryn Mawr has been the most formative years of my life—I have learned not only about who I am but also about who I want to become and how I want to continue to build and foster community once I leave."

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Students at College Fest in Philly

Marie-Claire Davenport '28

Hometown: Marina, CA

"This was a milestone moment for me, the moment where I felt my journey begin, not just as a woman in STEM, but also as a Bryn Mawr student."

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Sofia Azuara '25

Moving Out of State: Sofia Azuara '25

From Houston to Bryn Mawr

"Just because you’re leaving your city doesn't mean that you're leaving your community."

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Caitlin Joseph '25

Caitlin Joseph '25

Hometown: Woodstock, MD

"My journey to Bryn Mawr, just like my journey throughout it, has been about opening myself up to the unknown, and letting my heart guide me to where I need to be."

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Students at the Bryn Mawr Train Station

Clara Wells-Dang '27

Hometowns: Arlington, VA and Hanoi, Vietnam

"Bryn Mawr nourishes my creativity and continues to reshape my understanding of success."

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Students sit on their laptops in a circle

Community Gathers for a Wikidata Edit-a-thon!

"By linking TriArte artist records with existing Wikidata records, we can simultaneously promote Bryn Mawr’s Special Collections as a repository of a given artist’s work and we can benefit from information about artists, including their demographic information, in ways that they themselves can control.” -Marianne Weldon, Collections Manager

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