Archaeology Lecture Series
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Spring 2025 CNEA Lectures
All lectures will be in Old Library 224 unless otherwise noted.
Refreshments will be available from 12:00-12:30 and the lecture will be from 12:30-2:00.
JJ Shirley (Bryn Mawr College)
“One Tomb, Two Kings: Unlocking the Sequence of Construction and Decoration in Theban Tomb 110"
Theban Tomb 110, well-known for its depiction of both Hatshepsut and Thutmose III, presents a unique opportunity to examine the degree of personal involvement that the tomb’s owner, Djehuty, had in its decoration. In 2022 the epigraphic work of the TT110 Epigraphy and Research Field School completed the first full documentation of the tomb. The results of the work provide new information that allows for a more nuanced understanding of the timeline of the tomb’s design and the owner’s career. In this talk I will present the findings of the field school, suggesting a chronology for TT110’s construction and decoration, and highlighting Djehuty’s participation in the process.
Bernhard Schneider (University of Wroclaw)
“The Age of Empire in Rural Babylonia (c. 720-150 BCE, Southern Iraq)”
The project RuBab: Rural Babylonian Settlements during the Early Age of Empire (c. 720-150 BCE) will be presented in this talk. The still under researched countryside is the main focus of the work and should provide an additional dimension to the urban based research in the area. The project covers the area to the East and Southeast of Nippur/Niffer until the region surrounding Adab/Bismaya, not exclusively but mainly with drone survey and geomorphological examination. This is a region which housed several villages and settlements known from the texts, e. g. the Murašû archive (c. 450-400 BCE) etc which were named after different ethnic groups or professions. So far, none of them could be identified by archaeology. Some first results are presented from the first RuBab campaign in 2024, and also an outlook provided for the upcoming season with excavations at Ishan Hâfudh, a site first visited by Raymond P. Dougherty (Yale) in 1926.
Zach Silvia (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University)
"Post-Hellenistic Palimpsests: archaeological remote sensing in Uzbekistan in the wake of the Anthropocene"
Recent debates over the human impact on the global Earth System, collectively known as the Anthropocene, have transitioned from identifying anthropogenic, geological chronostratigraphic markers to more generalized archaeological temporalities and epistemologies. One useful consideration has been Bruno Latour’s identification of the technological and social limits of communities of scale to act in the face of existential environmental crisis. This talk considers archaeological aspects of Anthropocene discourse through the lens of recent fieldwork in western Uzbekistan. From 2023-24, a systematic and integrated field-based remote sensing and geophysical survey was undertaken in the southern Kyzylkum Desert west of modern Bukhara – a rare archaeological case in which single-period sites ranging from the late Bronze Age through post-Hellenistic (“Kangju”) periods conclude with the rapid abandonment of rural life. Here some preliminary results from the survey are put into conversation with the long-term processes of human affect and inaffect in water politics, rural land management, and colonialism that result in the palimpsest relict Kyzlkum landscape that presents itself to us today.
Brandon McDonald (Tufts University)
"Shifting Sands: The Dynamics of Trade and Resource Extraction in Roman Egypt’s Eastern Desert"
Egypt’s Eastern Desert was a cultural and commercial nexus in Graeco-Roman antiquity, connecting societies of the Mediterranean, East Africa, and the western Indian Ocean. Yet activity in the region was anything but consistent; in particular, the Roman period (30 BCE – 641 CE) had extreme highs and near desolate lows. The first two centuries of Roman rule saw intensive exploitation of the desert’s resources – mainly precious stone and minerals – alongside bustling Indo-Mediterranean trade routes that channeled goods between the Mediterranean and Red seas. But, by the third century, the Roman state had withdrawn from significant portions of the Eastern Desert, abandoning major ports and quarries. While activity resurged in late antiquity (fourth – sixth century), the drivers of the revival remain debated – was it Roman re-engagement or indigenous initiative? Multiple factors may have shaped these transitions, including distant wars, shifting patterns of trade, environmental change, and outbreaks of disease. This talk explores the causes of dramatic socio-economic transformations in a dynamic frontier zone of the Roman Empire.
Henry Colburn (Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan)
"Diplomatic Drinking and Other Lessons about Achaemenid Egypt from the Tell el-Maskhuta Hoard"
In the winter of 1947–48, a hoard of at least fourteen silver drinking vessels, thirty-one gold-mounted agate eyestones and six to ten thousand Athenian tetradrachms and local imitations thereof was discovered at Tell el-Maskhuta in the eastern Nile Delta in Egypt. The initial reports on the hoard were by numismatists, who published a small fraction of the coins, and in the 1950s Biblical scholars became interested in the Aramaic inscriptions on the silver vessels, especially the one mentioning Gashmu the Arab, a shadowy figure who appears in the Book of Nehemiah. Yet the hoard, which dates to the late fifth century BCE, has never been studied in its entirety, despite its extraordinary potential to shed light on the history of Egypt under Achaemenid Persian rule, for four main reasons. First, the vessels appear to be Egyptian versions of Persian drinking vessels. This implies the adoption of Persian drinking practices by certain segments of the Egyptian population, despite the famously conservative nature of Egyptian culture. Second, the inscriptions, and perhaps also the eyestones, imply the presence of a Qedarite Arab community in the eastern Nile Delta, which had probably been installed following Cambyses’ invasion in 526. Third, Tell el-Maskhuta was situated on the Red Sea canal constructed by Darius, and was also the site where the famous statue of Darius from Susa was originally erected. In other words, it was a key node in the empire’s infrastructure network. Fourth and finally, the Athenian tetradrachms in the hoard presumably came to Egypt as a result of the Persians requiring tribute to be paid in silver. As Egypt was rich in grain but poor in silver, this was acquired by the export of grain to the Greek world, especially Athens, in exchange for coins. By the end of the fifth century these coins were sufficiently widespread in Egypt that they had been integrated into Egyptian weight standards and were even minted locally to supplement the otherwise unreliable money supply. This lecture is a preliminary report on an ongoing study of the hoard that focuses on these four aspects, with a view towards elucidating both the nature of Achaemenid rule of Egypt and the intercultural character of the Egyptian Late Period.
Jim Wright (Professor Emeritus, Bryn Mawr College)
"Kommos as an Iron Age harbor in the territory of Gortyn (Crete)"
This lecture will not be available to the public on Zoom. If you are a student or BMC affiliate, please email Jennie Bradbury for Zoom Registration.
About 1020 BC the ruined walls of a massive building stood out from the sand dunes that covered the abandoned harbor at Kommos. Locals remembered when Phaistos ruled the region and erected a small shrine over the remains. Boats began again to shelter here. Seeking their way to the west in the 10th c. Phoenicians used the harbor and by the 9th c. established in the shrine a typical tri-pillar altar. Cretans and Greeks met up at the harbor and enlarged the small sanctuary. In the 7th c. a long building housed goods, likely for provisioning the Greek colonies at Cyrene and Tocra, a night’s sail across the Libyan Sea. Sailors traded stories as they drank wine together. Phoenician amphoras and jugs were left behind from the 9th through 7th c. some with inscriptions. Many drinking cups carry Greek abecedaria. Kommos was one of many places where the alphabet was developed. Cosmopolitan conviviality surely loosened sailors’ tongues as they shared stories and sang songs of adventure and catastrophe. As Gortyn grew into the main city of the region, Homer related how Odysseus fared returning from Troy. Poseidon sent a storm to scatter Menelaus and his ships until they rounded the headland off the nearby coast and found shelter “at the farthest edge of Gortyn”. This was Kommos. After 600 BCE the harbor fell into disuse. The center of gravity shifted to the Mainland as Corinth directed traffic to the west, invented the trireme and then gave way to Athens. Kommos ceased to be a port but its shrine continued to be a place of worship down into the Roman empire. Around 175 CE it was once again abandoned and covered by the sands of time, only to be recognized in 1926 when Sir Arthur Evans identified it as the harbor of the Bronze Age palace at Phaistos.
Muge Durusu, Temple University
“Deconstructing a Corpus: Rethinking Late Bronze Age Rock Monuments in Anatolia”
Rock monuments of Late Bronze Age Anatolia (c. 1600-1180 BCE) are often associated with the Hittite Empire, the dominant political power in Anatolia during this period. This association—coupled with the uniformity of their medium (stone), similarities in their iconography, the location of several monuments along the borders of the empire, and their incorporation of Anatolian hieroglyphs—has often led to their perception and scholarly treatment as a uniform corpus, possibly marking the borders of the empire. This talk is an exercise in deconstructing this corpus of monuments by highlighting the differences between the patronage, content, context, dating, and relationship with the wider landscape. By demonstrating overlaps and thematic connections between rock monuments and the larger realm of artistic production in Late Bronze Age Anatolia, I will argue that rock monuments include many sub-groups that speak to various themes including political power, territoriality, ritual, and place-making, and that these differences formed the basis of how these monuments were designed, executed, and experienced in the landscape.
Gunvor Lindstroem (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World)
"The Denavar Satyrs as Travelers Through Time and Space: From Ancient Persia to Greece and Rome, and Their 20th-Century Fates"
The influence of Greco-Roman artistic traditions on the Parthian Empire (c. 250 BCE–225 CE) remains a subject of debate, with little direct evidence attesting to their presence. One long-overlooked artifact that challenges this assumption is the recently reconstructed Denavar Vase, a monumental stone bowl adorned with a satyr frieze in the Greek style. The reconstruction of this bowl—its fragments now dispersed across museums and collections on three continents—suggests that it once formed part of a local ruler’s palace décor, reflecting a deep engagement with the visual language of the Roman elite.
The second part of this lecture traces the biographies of these fragments since their discovery around 1914. It will follow the track of famous scholars and connoisseurs who incorporated the pieces into their collections, and go on a varied journey through the art history and historiography of Hellenistic and Parthian art. This journey also explores 19th-century decorative arts and museum presentations, ultimately navigating the political history from the First to the end of the Second World War.
Sarah Madole Lewis (BMCC/CUNY)
"The Cloisters Sarcophagus in its Eastern Mediterranean Context"
A priceless relic of the past sits in the cloisters at Bryn Mawr College, where it witnesses annual rites and celebrations, although not the ones its original owner intended. Inscribed in Latin and decorated with a type of garland design motif common to the eastern Roman Empire, the sarcophagus has drawn the attention of many, but few understand its context within the funerary landscape of the eastern Mediterranean. One of a pair of marble coffins said to have been discovered in Beirut, Lebanon, the two objects supposedly took hundreds of men to transport to the harbor from what is today the tony neighborhood of Ashrafieh. I consider the inscription, design motif, and presumed find spot, in conjunction with the overarching regional data, which allows us to contextualize the Bryn Mawr sarcophagus in its historical context in the Roman Empire and specifically, in the eastern Mediterranean in the first half of the third century CE.
Dr. Sarah Madole Lewis is Associate Professor of Art History at the Borough of Manhattan Community College – City University of New York. She is currently finishing a book on Roman sarcophagi in their eastern Mediterranean contexts, which is how she came across the cloisters sarcophagus.
Lorenzo D'Alfonso (New York University/ISAW)
Trevor Van Damme (University of Warwick, UK)
"The Mycenaean Settlement North of the Acropolis: New Data from the Athenian Agora Excavations"
The Athenian Agora Excavations have revealed dozens of Mycenaean or Late Bronze Age (ca. 1700–1050 BCE) chamber tombs since their inception in 1931. This paper presents a further unpublished tomb and a Mycenaean house built on the south bank of the Eridanos River. The house is the earliest building excavated to date within the area of the Classical Agora. After discussing their excavation in the 1970s and presenting a selection of associated finds to establish their date and significance, I conclude with a broader discussion of the growth of the Mycenaean settlement north of the Acropolis in the 13th century BCE and its sudden decline in the 12th century BCE.
Past CNEA Lectures
Fall 2024
Amy Gansell (St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)
“What Archaeology Can Tell Us About Ancient Assyrian Queens of Nimrud’s Northwest Palace (c. 865-705 BCE, Iraq)"
Archaeology has most prominently revealed the “treasures” with which ancient Assyrian queens were buried beneath the Northwest Palace at Nimrud. Rather than emphasizing individual objects, however, I present these treasures, and other major palace assemblages, in archaeological context. In particular, I investigate the regalia and ritual equipment preserved in the queens’ tombs, the architecture and luxury installations of the queens’ throne room suite, and a corpus of ivory carvings that may once have clad the queens’ furnishings and personal belongings. Through the study of these archaeological assemblages and contexts, we can learn about both the material culture of queenship and the queens themselves. Indeed, archaeology reveals the beauty, power, and presence of ancient Assyrian queens as a palpable force, eternally enmeshed in palace and empire.
Holly Pittman (University of Pennsylvania)
“Cultures in Contact: Seeing Interaction through Imagery on the Iranian Plateau during the Bronze Age of Exchange”
Among the minor arts in the ancient Near East, engraved seal stones are closely associated with personal or corporate identity expressed through iconography and style. In settings where administrators from different communities interact, such small portable objects can be particularly sensitive markers of cultural identity when other evidence, textual or ceramic, is absent. This feature of personal seals makes them an especially useful window into cultural interaction during the third millennium Early Bronze Age when the ancient world from the Euphrates to the Indus was linked together through a vast network of exchange and interaction along which merchants, craftsmen, emissaries and later soldiers and diplomats passed. While the Mesopotamian cuneiform texts provide us with hints of this interaction, we can evaluate it directly through the material traces left of the minor arts, especially the administrative residue of glyptic art. This talk will illustrate through the rich and varied finds from the recent excavations at Konar Sandal South in the Halil River valley of Kerman province in southeastern Iran the evidence for this cultural contact. Among them are impressions of imported seals, local seals, hybrid seals that merge traits of various cultural styles reflecting the cultural identities of the merchants and officials who interacted at the heart of mercantile interaction sphere. Through this residue we can imagine who the players were and how they were affected by their interlocutors.
Asil Yaman (Villanova University)
“Agricultural Organization in the Chora of Hellenistic Phoenix (Rhodian Peraia)”
The ancient Phoenix, strategically located in Rhodian Peraea, was founded in the archaic period and flourished during the Hellenistic era. It left behind a unique legacy of agricultural practices and organizational methods. Since 2021, new-gen archaeological pedestrian surveys and excavations by the Phoenix Archaeological Project have shed light on this sophisticated agricultural organization, relating it to settlement patterns and land use. By integrating geophysical data, digital archaeological tools, and botanical studies, I reveal how the agricultural landscape was meticulously organized to optimize both crop production and urban development. This presentation will illuminate the rural agrarian economy of Phoenix and its implications for understanding regional trade with Rhodes and rural economic strategies in Hellenistic societies.
Jeffrey A. Becker (Binghamton University – SUNY)
“Situating the Roman city: form and function”
The landscapes of Republican Italy are often characterized in relation to the phenomena of urbanism, particularly those related to the expansion of the Roman state. The establishment of colonies under various legal frameworks transforms “pre-Roman” landscapes into “Roman” ones, following the conventional narrative. The “Roman city” thus becomes not simply a place but also a node in a socio-economic network that reshapes the Italian peninsula and the wider Mediterranean. Finding Romanness in all of this expansion is also often a desideratum, often in the hopes of being able to expertly unravel the phenomena of urban expansion into independent cultural threads. The Romans themselves were also looking for identity in these threads, coming to define their world and themselves in terms of urban vs. non-urban dichotomies. An examination of middle to late Republican instances of urbanism in light of later Republican identity building can help in situating the topos of the Roman city and in understanding its forms and functions.
Jason Herrmann, University of Pennsylvania
“Space and Identity in Ancient Motya (Sicily)”
Originally conceived as a project to document domestic spaces away from the monumental buildings of Motya, the urban plan documented as part of the Space and Identity at Ancient Motya project comprises a new line of evidence for understanding identity and socio-political organization within Phoenecian-Punic polities in the central Mediterranean. This project, a partnership between the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Palermo, has taken a landscape approach to this important node in western Sicily, integrating extensive archaeogeophysical surveys, surface collection, and test excavations to track how space was shaped and re-shaped over time. In this presentation we will discuss the configuration and timing of Motya’s urban elements that were revealed through this research with an emphasis on the city as it appeared at its height in the 5th century BCE. We will then consider varied cultural and political influences that informed urban organization and how they reflect the perspectives of the city’s architects and the people who lived there.
Tyler Franconi (Brown University)
“Health and wealth at Roman and early medieval Vacone, Italy"
This paper explores the relationship between health and wealth at the Roman villa of Vacone, located 70 km north of Rome in the Sabine region of central Italy. Excavations by the Upper Sabina Tiberina Project since 2012 have revealed the extensive remains of an early imperial villa with heavily decorated domestic quarters as well as one of the largest known olive pressing installations in central Italy. The region was known in antiquity for its olive oil, and the owners of the Vacone villa undoubtedly earned at least part of their wealth from its sale. As wealthy as the villa was, however, analyses of latrines and waste water channels reveal that its inhabitants carried multiple gastrointestinal parasites, offering a strong contrast to the perceived elite lifestyle otherwise associated with rural estates. The villa was destroyed, probably by an earthquake, around AD 200 and its ruins were thereafter used as a cemetery in the late Roman and early medieval periods. These populations also show signs of parasitic infection as well as other ailments, and thus provide the opportunity to explore the changing relationships between health and wealth in Sabine Italy during the first millenium AD.
C. Densmore Curtis Lecture with Daniele Morandi Bonacossi (University of Udine)
“Settlement, Irrigation and Landscape Commemoration in the Core of the Assyrian Empire. Sennacherib’s Irrigation System in the Nineveh Hinterland and the Salvage of the Assyrian Faida Canal and its Rock-reliefs (Iraq)”
Tea: Quita Woodward Room, 4:00pm
Lecture: Old Library 110, 4:30pm
Reception: Wyndham Terrace, following lecture
The Governorates of Duhok and Ninawa in northern Iraq host the most unique and monumental irrigation system ever built by the Assyrians in the core of their empire. Between 703 and c. 688 BCE King Sennacherib created in four stages the "Northern Assyrian Irrigation System", a ramified network of canals to water Nineveh’s extensive hinterland and bring water to his ‘Palace without a Rival’ and royal parks on the citadel of Nineveh. The creation of this new waterscape greatly transformed the rural landscape of the Assyrian core region, determining a shift from extensive dry farming to an intensive, predictable and high-yield cultivation system based on irrigation.
The talk presents the results of the work conducted since 2012 by the Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project of the Udine University on the "Northern Assyrian Irrigation System", with a particular focus on the newly discovered Assyrian Faida canal and rock art complex. Investigation of this extraordinary and extremely endangered archaeological site was launched in 2019 and has led to the exploration of an at least 10 km-long irrigation canal cut into the limestone bedrock of the Chiya Daka hill range. Thirteen monumental, sculpted rock panels carved along the canal’s eastern bank were brought to light, representing an Assyrian ruler depicted at both ends of each panel, framing the cult statues of seven deities standing on pedestals shaped like striding animals.
Peter van Alfen (American Numismatic Society)
"Power, Money, and Art: Who and What do (Archaic) Coins Represent?"
On the coins we use today, we recognize the link between the images and the political powers that issue them. These images, often produced by leading artists, generally tend as well to represent notions of community and shared values. Already in the Classical period, imagery on coins had settled into these recognizable functions. But in the first generations of coin production, ca. 650–520 BCE, this wasn’t necessarily the case. This talk explores the nexus of power, money, and art, and the processes by which coins came to be used as tools of political and communal representation.
Shannon M. Dunn (Bryn Mawr College)
"Sacred Spaces in Peloponnesian Borderlands"
The boundary zones between Greek city-states were landscapes where many “marginal” or fraught activities could potentially occur — from adolescent initiation rites to military conflict — but also where daily life mostly happened as usual for shepherds, beekeepers, and many settlements situated close to the borders. Sanctuaries located in border zones have long been considered in scholarship as assertions of central polis ownership over distant territory and were sometimes used as boundary landmarks. This talk considers the immediate landscapes of these border sanctuaries, and the communities which they served — whether as cult locales for local populations, meeting places for communities across borders, or as pilgrimage sites for visitors from poleis near and far, even if in mountainous or seemingly remote locations. Different expressions of border zone religious life will be presented from across the Archaic to Roman Peloponnese, considering the physical environment and topography, associated myths, political histories, and material evidence for cult practices.
Lara Fabian (UCLA)
"Pithos burials and the Puzzle of the Parthian Empire"
The Parthian Empire (ca. 250 BCE–225 CE) has proven to be an elusive archaeological subject, despite its long duration and frequent appearance in textual records generated in the Mediterranean world. In this paper, I discuss one burial practice frequently associated with the Parthian world—pithoi cemeteries, where both adults and children were interred in large jars. After reviewing traditional descriptions and interpretations of this practice, I will present material from the South Caucasus, demonstrating that the phenomenon was much more widespread in this zone than has previously been acknowledged. This evidence suggests the need to reconsider our understanding of pithoi cemeteries and their potential connection to the broader Parthian cultural sphere. In the course of the discussion, I will also address the historical and conceptual challenges that contribute to the Parthians’ persistent elusiveness in the archaeological record, even as we search for the traces of their vast empire.

Contact Us
Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology
Old Library
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010
Phone: 610-526-5053 or 610-526-5334
Fax: 610-526-7955